The first school that a child opens her eyes to is her home. And parents are a child’s first teacher. A child is an uncut diamond. Shape her into a judicious adult. Teaching Life skills for raising happy adults is very important.

Young children are like a lump of clay. As a parent it is our responsibility to mold them to become the best version of themselves. Children are flattered by responsibility and motivated by acclaim. Make sure that your children always over hear you when you are praising about them to others.

The early years of a child are the building years that provide us a world of opportunities to teach and inculcate in them good values.

Listed below are a few qualities that we must follow as a thumb rule before we go on to teach the same to our children. Visual impact leaves an ever lasting impression on a child’s innocent mind. You will be amazed to see your kids slipping in your shoes in no time.

  1. Life Skills: Gratitude

    It is our responsibility to provide for our children’s needs. At the same time we have to teach our kids the value for money. There is everything materialistic that money can buy. But do not supply every time as the demand arise. Teach the kids to be thankful for what they have. Educate them to be grateful even when they get something they did not want or like. Make it a ritual to begin and end the day with a tailor made prayer of gratitude.

  2. Life Skills: Honesty

    Honesty is still the best policy. It is a virtue that will drive your child with a strong desire to do what is right. Teach your kids to tell the truth no matter the consequences they have to face. There are numerous ways to teach the kids the value of honesty. Play a game and guide them to follow the rules. Explain them that if they cheat to win the game they will lose the trust of their loved ones. Another way is to take a +privilege away if your children are dishonest. If for instance, they are watching TV when they are supposed to finish their homework or clean their room, do not allow them to watch their favorite shows for the next 3 days. Sometimes kids lie and get away with it. Remind them that at times like these God is watching all their actions good and bad both.

  3. Life Skills: Respect

    Respect is a two way street. Kids learn what they see around them. Be a role model to teach kids to respect value and empathize with other people, whether younger or older to them. Once they learn to distinguish that hitting, grabbing and screaming are wrong they will realize that there is always a respectable way to put across their point. Also, set boundaries and make some family rules as reminders for kids to curb their impulses. Like no name-calling or bad language, to wait for their turns to speak, to ask before using each others belongings and to use a polite tone to say if they do not appreciate someone’s behavior. Eventually kids will learn to value and respect others and themselves too.

  4. Life Skills: Responsibility

    Responsibility means doing what needs to be done in the best interest of oneself and our loved ones. Kids are not ingrained with a program to tell apart the rights and wrongs of their actions. We have to train them to be responsible for their behavior and deeds. Start by letting them make simple decisions such as deciding on their clothes or their choice of dish at a restaurant. Delegate them some duties around the house, like switching off extra lights or fans when not in use or helping around with laundry. Praise them for carrying their duties responsibly. This will motivate them to act accordingly in any given situation.

  5. Life Skills: Patience

    Instant gratification is the new way of life. Thanks to technology! Patience seems to lose its essence in the fast paced world. Though not everyone is the same yet remaining patient in the face of storm or mishandled situations is not everybody’s cup of tea. So how do we teach our kids to stay calm! Start with yourself. Keep compose and be a role model whenever the need arise. Avoid giving video games or mobile phones as an option to kids while waiting at the doctors or a grocery store. Instead take some coloring books and colors to kill their boredom while waiting. Encourage kids to play outdoor games. Always correct them if they interrupt you or your spouse while you are talking. So they learn to wait for their turn to speak up.

  6. Life Skills: Courage

    Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. It is an essential ingredient in growing up. As your child grows up his/her imagination takes a flight. He/she might have some imaginary friends that may disappear with time or an imaginary monster under their bed or hiding in the closet. Believe in them before you turn to help them. Equip them with the power of prayer and let them know that with courage they can overcome any fear. Edify them that courage also means standing up for oneself and others. Teach your kids to speak up for themselves even if it means standing alone. Mistakes are stepping stones to learning and growing. Explain them that it is not wrong to make mistakes but one should have the courage for accountability of their actions. Sooner or later they will learn to fight back their fears.

So teaching these life skills for raising Happy adults is very important

Actions speak louder than words. A simple and profound way to teach the importance of these values is to live a life along the same guidelines. Children are great at imitating. Give them something meaningful to imitate.

Happy Parenting with Budding Star

Click here to know about Emotions and feelings of a Mother.



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About Prachi Sachdev Mendiratta

Prachi Sachdev Mendiratta is a Blogger who writes on parenting, relationships and social issues concerning women and children. Travelling is her second love. Mother to 2 lovely kids herself she is on a never ending expedition to find new ways to make life interesting for the little ones and not let boredom set in. In the process of learning and growing with her kids, she figured out that the best way to do it was unlearn her opinion about the world. And try to see and put in words how children perceive everything around them.

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