[heading tag=”h2″ align=”center” color=”#000″ style=”lines” color2=”#000″]In this Article[/heading]
Fetal Development in Pregnancy Week 37
Moods & Symptoms in Pregnancy Week 37
Signs of Labor in Pregnancy Week 37
Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy Week 37
For your reference- Pregnancy Week 37
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A Complete Information Guide on Pregnancy Week 37
By Pregnancy week 37, your baby is inhaling and exhaling the amniotic fluid as a practice of breathing.
You are eight months and about one week pregnant. The journey of pregnancy can now be completed anytime soon as just three weeks are left for your due date. These last days can be challenging but be relaxed and stay active. At the same, being cautious and attentive is the need of an hour.
Fetal Development in Pregnancy Week 37:
In Pregnancy week 37:
- Size of baby – 19.1 inches (48.51 cm)- from crown to heel.
- Weight of baby – around 6.3 pounds (2.85 kg)
- Baby is as big as Romaine Lettuce.
During this time, there is no physical development left for the baby, but the organs like lungs and brain are continuing to mature. The lanugo and vernix have disappeared.
Your baby movements are not regular but stronger enough to make a distinctive appearance. The baby is not moving much due to less space available inside your tummy because of his growing weight. During this month, doctors ask the pregnant ladies to keep a deep analysis of fetal counts and kicks and to notify if there is a sudden drop in numbers.
Image courtesy: www.everydayfamily.com
[icon type=”icon-lamp”] If you deliver your baby by this week, still he/she is considered early term. A baby is considered full term if born between 39 and 40 weeks, and post-term used to describe babies who are born after 42 weeks. However, if your doctor has advised you to go for C-section delivery, then the 39th week of pregnancy is the safer option unless and until there is a medical emergency. |
Moods & Symptoms in Pregnancy Week 37:
Here are few symptoms that you can expect during your 37th week of pregnancy:
- Braxton Hicks contractions – You may experience Braxton Hicks contractions more often and they may be painful to you as your body is preparing for delivery. They can be mistakenly taken as a labor pain. To crosscheck, change your position. If the pain is stopped then it is a contraction, otherwise contact your doctor immediately.
- Discomfort while sleeping/Insomnia – Hormonal changes and your large belly creates the discomfort in your body which results in sleepless nights.
- Frequent Urination – The urination intervals may increase. But it doesn’t mean you should stop having water. Stay hydrated as dehydration can even lead to early labor.
- Heartburn and Constipation – Your uterus has started giving pressure to your stomach which relaxes the intestines. This results in heartburn and constipation. In fact, the iron supplements also contribute to this symptom. Avoid having spicy and greasy foods. Increase your water intake to up your regularity.
- Feeling full of energy, all of sudden – This is something called nesting. You may feel that there is a sudden urge to clean your messy room and get your home ready for your new member. It is a common symptom. But do not take much stress while cleaning your home. As your health is more important.
- Changes in vaginal discharge – You may have increase in your vaginal discharge because you are getting close to your D-day. By seeing the discharge you may get panic and rush to the hospital thinking that your water might have broken. And ofcourse you will be sent back home as your delivery time haven’t yet arrived. But that’s really okay and don’t get embarrass in this.
Some above mentioned symptoms can be confused with the signs of labor. Stay calm and don’t hesitate to ask/call your doctor if you have any doubt!
Signs of labor in Pregnancy Week 37:
Being in 37th week of pregnancy, you can expect true labor pains rather than false pains which was there in your previous weeks.
Below are few signs of labor that you can expect during your 37th week of pregnancy which indicates you will go into labor soon (thought it can’t be defined how soon as every pregnancy is different):
- Diarrhea – Having this symptom means an impending labor and thus, anytime you can deliver your bundle of joy.
- Nausea or Vomiting – These symptoms are again an indication that you are meeting your baby soon.
- Mucus Plug – This week you may release the mucus plug which has been protecting your cervix all along. It is a stingy mucus with blood either in red, brown or pink in color. As your cervix dilates (opens), the mucus plug is released to make way for baby. Losing mucus plug can happen at a different time for every woman and is a sign that labor is very near. But still how much near you are to labor can’t be defined as losing of mucus plug can happen weeks, days or hours before labor begins.
Below are the signs which indicates you are going through real labor. Yes! Time has come to meet your baby. So, rush to the hospital right away if you notice any sign mentioned below:
- Contractions – If the contractions are stronger (getting stronger with walking), frequent and longer in duration, and the time between them keeps getting shorter, then you are in labor. You will feel pain also. Start noting down the timings of contractions. As your uterus contracts, it’s dilating your cervix so baby can pass into the birth canal at delivery. So, therefore, if you feel this type of contraction, immediately contact your doctor. Your doctor will check if your cervix is dilated and its effacement (thinning). Established labor is when your cervix is dilated by more than three centimetres. The cervix becomes very thin before the delivery. If it is dilated and thin then you are very close to meet your baby. He will also examine the position of your cervix and baby in relation to your pelvis. If the position of your baby is very low then delivery may happen anytime now.
[icon type=”icon-lamp”] Your cervix should be dilated to 10 centimetres, so baby can pass into the birth canal at delivery. |
- Breaking of water – Oftentimes after the contraction, water break occurs and you may feel a leakage from your vagina. This water is an amniotic sac. The moment you feel this situation, contact your doctor immediately as you will go into labor within hours.
- Constant Back pain – If you are experiencing severe back pain then you may be in labor. Rush to the hospital immediately.
Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy Week 37:
- Your due date is near. It is obvious to feel restless, tired and exhausted. But it is very important to keep yourself stress-free so that your labor can become a progressive and complication-free.
- Spend some time alone and relax.
- Read your favorite book or listen to the soft music.
- Complete the checklist of things which you have planned to buy for your little one.
- Keep your diet healthy and balanced.
- Stay away from negative experiences and don’t watch the birthing process on YouTube. Every woman goes through a different experience of labor. Stay positive and stay cool.
- Prepare the bag for your stay in the hospital beforehand. Carry the basic necessities and baby essential products in your bag.
[icon type=”icon-lamp”] Join our Facebook closed group called “Parenting Mom Style” only for Moms and To-be Moms to share experiences and queries. |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What is water break during pregnancy?
Ans: Your baby is protected and cushioned by a membranous fluid called amniotic sac. Now when this amniotic sac ruptures, it starts flowing out through cervix and vagina. This is called water break during pregnancy.
- How can I check the water break?
Ans: You can check the following ways:
- If you feel the sudden wetness in your pants, then it could be an amniotic fluid. An amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless.
- Try to control the flow by holding your pelvic muscles tight, but if the flow doesn’t stop then it is an amniotic fluid.
- It is usually accompanied by some flow of blood.
Once you are confirmed, contact your doctor immediately. But remember, do not be panic.
Don’t stay alone at home now. If you are going for a walk, take some one along with you.
For your reference- Pregnancy Week 37:
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