[heading tag=”h2″ align=”center” color=”#000″ style=”lines” color2=”#000″]In this Article[/heading]
Fetal Development in Pregnancy week 30
Moods and Symptoms in Pregnancy week 30
Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy week 30
For Your Reference- Pregnancy Week 30
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A Complete Information Guide on Pregnancy Week 30
By Pregnancy week 30, your baby’s body parts will look more proportionate except her head which is still large as compared to the rest of her body.
You are six months and two weeks pregnant. Feeling excited! Only 10 more weeks to go. You may be thinking about baby’s appearance. Therefore, dear mommy, let your excitement be high and wait for few more weeks to take your baby in your arms.
Let us know understand what changes and development you can expect during this week.
Fetal Development in Pregnancy Week 30: 
In Pregnancy week 30:
- Size of baby – 15.7 inches (39.87 cm) – from crown to heel.
- Weight of baby – around 2.9 pounds (1.31 kg)
- Baby is as big as Cucumber.
Your baby is developing rapidly as few weeks are left to make an entry into this beautiful world. All her major organs are functioning well and independently.
- Your baby’s brain is not only growing but changing its appearance too that is developing those grooves and indentations allowing more brain tissue to develop.
- Your baby can now open her eyelids and eyelashes which are making her eyes more beautiful. The baby is continuing to gain her weight as the fatty layers are coming underneath her skin.
- The quantity of amniotic fluid is decreasing as your baby is growing day by day and thus now her kicks would be turning into more strong pushes.
- The fingernail has also grown up to the desired point and will be continuing to grow in your womb.
- As her brain is developing and now new fat cells is regulating her body temperature, so from this week onwards, the lanugo hairs (which were protecting her body) will start disappearing. Within a couple of weeks, they will completely fall-off. However, there are some babies who take birth having these lanugo hairs on their body.
[icon type=”icon-lamp”] By now you should finalize your little one’s name. Let us help you in this as well. Here is the list of Indian Baby Modern Names (with meaning) according to their Zodiac sign and Rashi. |
Moods & Symptoms in Pregnancy Week 30:
You may experience following body changes and symptoms at this stage:
- Heartburn or Acidity – This continues to behave like a flame thrower in your chest. Avoid spicy, heavy and acidic food. Never eat when you are lying down. Take a small walk after having your meals. Remember all these symptoms will vanish away after the birth of your little one.
- Back, hip and Feet Pain – These will leave once you deliver your baby. It happens due to the growing pressure of your uterus.
- Sleepless Nights – You may be missing your happy night time sleep. As with the passage of weeks, growing uterus doesn’t allow you to have a good night sleep and it will go along with you until the last week of your pregnancy. Sleep by your side preferably on the left side. For your more comfort, keep pillows in between your legs. Also, you may have vivid dreams during this stage. Drink water before you go to sleep.
- Tiredness – As the growing uterus is stretching towards your ribs, due to which you will find difficult to take a deep breath as well, thus making you tired soon even after the smallest task. Do not exert yourself so much in doing everyday household chores. Make yourself comfortable first and do your work slowly. Take the help of your partner and other family members in doing any work. Take rest as much as you can and small nap in afternoon.
- Frequent Urination – As your uterus is expanding so you will pass the urine more frequently. But it doesn’t mean that you stop having water. Drink plenty of water as it can ease you from many symptoms occurring this week and can also prevent from pre-term labor.
- Mixed Feelings – You may also feel sometimes very blue as depression is also a part of pregnancy. The thought of being a parent or delivery will make you feel very low, anxious, irritated, etc. But don’t worry, talk to your doctor about these feelings and discuss how to overcome these emotional changes. Try meditation to overcome such feelings.
- Itching – You may start experiencing itching in your body, especially on your palm and legs and even on vagina. Consult your doctor before using any cream around vagina or palms and legs. Wear cotton underwear. Stop using strong odors or feminine soaps/washes which disturbs the pH of your vaginal area.
- Shortness of breath – It is due to your growing uterus which is compressing your lungs. Be relaxed and start taking deep breaths. During this week, the baby is still up high near your rib cage but in coming weeks (i.e. in week 33 or 34), your baby will drop down into your pelvis, thus enabling you to breathe easily.
- Change in a centre of gravity – Again due to your growing uterus. So, mind your steps and be extra cautious while walking. Whenever you go for a walk, ask your husband or any of your family member to accompany.
Note: Talk to your doctor immediately if you notice any unusual symptom or condition like vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, mucus-like discharge, duration of Braxton Hicks Contractions getting longer and painful or you are contracting regularly, etc. as these can be the signs of Preterm labor.
Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy Week 30:
- Keep following a balanced and a nutritious diet, as your baby needs a diet full of nutrition for his growth and development at this stage. Add more Protein, eat calcium rich foods and foods having Vitamin C. Eat small but in regular interval.
- Continue with prenatal vitamins as prescribed.
- Use pillow at your back while sitting to prevent a back pain.
- Do a regular exercise which is good during the childbirth. Or you can also practice Yoga. It will keep you relaxed and stress-free.
- Stay active as much as possible. Listen to the music, read your favorite book or go for the walk.
- At this stage of pregnancy, the haemoglobin level should be accurate otherwise it can lead to a deficiency of iron in your baby and can make you Anemic. So, consume iron-rich diet or you can ask your doctor for the iron supplements.
[icon type=”icon-lamp”] Most of the women have this expression that Normal Delivery is more painful and more ex-cursing to handle. So, this fear takes them to willingly opt for C-section. Here we will not have a debate which one is better as both ways have their own advantages. Well, whichever way is opted, health of mother and child must be the priority. Do not worry about the pains associated with delivery. Think about your child and feel strong. After this phase, you’ll have your little bundle of joy in your hands. That would be the happiest moment of your life! And all your pains will fade away…!! |
Best Mantra during this stage is- Eat well, stay happy and positive, take rest and drink plenty of water.
For your reference- Pregnancy Week 30:
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