
celebrate holi

What Is The Story Behind Holi?

Imagine days that should be as bright as a rainbow, filled with the sound of laughter in the streets, and a sense of togetherness that makes communities. This is the festival of colors, Holi.  What do you think of the Holi Festival? Faces painted with colors, water...

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Best Attractions to See in Brussels, Belgium

5 Best Attractions to See in Brussels, Belgium

If there is only one thing that you need to know about Europe, it is the fact that it is full of history. Even the smallest countries are covered with historically significant monuments and sites. Belgium is a small country between France and the Netherlands....

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Yoga Asanas Everyone Should Practice for Healthy Lifestyle

Staying fit and healthy never goes out of style. Yoga is one of the best and most ancient forms to stay healthy. A simple lifestyle change can make you super productive throughout the day. The benefits of yoga asanas are immense, it helps to keep the mind, body and...

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5 Things I’ve Learned As I Turn 34

It’s that time of the year again when I start getting birthday blues. Yes, you read it right. I, indeed, get birthday blues. This weekend, I turned 34 years old, and my birthday blues are back. I love celebrations, but slowly, birthdays’ charm and fun start...

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Maple Prime

How to Match Fragrance to an Outfit

It might be second nature for you to accessorize your outfits, but matching a fragrance to an ensemble is much trickier. Perfumes and fragrances are mood enhancers. When you walk into a room, do you feel comfortable and calm or do you feel a slight pinch of anxiety?...

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bucket list, mothers

Bucket list of a Mother!

Since the onset of New Year, I am reading articles about making resolutions for the New Year, bucket list, places to visit in 2018 or things to do before turning 30. Before turning 30! Be real, I am already 34 and to be true I have not done even half of those things....

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Planning A Successful Road Trip With A Large Family

Near 70% of families have taken a road trip together at least once. Road trips are a great way for families to form stronger bonds and learn to work together better, as you chat and play games in the car. They also help children develop their understanding of...

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