Motherhood is a deserving gift to every girl. It is the greatest purpose of femininity to create a life with getting a new name, a Mother. This post is for all those mothers who are doing their duties with so much of dedication and love. I am also a mother and coming...
Being a woman we always tend to ignore our health, as we progress in our life, responsibilities only increase. While, we are never taught to give first preference to ourselves, slowly our lifestyle takes a toll on our health. A lot of women face a lot of health issues...
Superfoetation – Have you ever heard about it? We all have heard about Triplet birth. In our country, the most well-known triplets are famous choreographer Farah Khan’s kid. They are triplets. But I am going to talk about a different kind of triplet birth. As per...
Ask anyone and they will lecture you how things get easier, smoother and faster the second time around. While this may hold true for many things like job interviews, exams, dating, doing DIYs, submitting guests posts and others, this certainly does not hold any ground...
5 most useful things to be done during pregnancy!! Description: Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful period in women’s life and this difficult period should be carried with some caring of baby & mother with balanced diet, sleeping properly and doing meditation....
Taking care for your unborn child is essential for a healthy baby. Here is something that may surprise you. The brain of your baby will be fairly well developed before your baby is even born. And baby will actually begin learning things while inside the womb. Research...
There’s hardly anything that can equate the excitement of feeling a life in an already existing life. It’s a time of wonder and momentous change both emotionally and physically. Even with all the complications like mood swings, hormonal changes, stress, and anxiety,...
The Best Time of my Life, My Nine Months Pregnancy…Pregnancy can be both easy or hard. The experience may vary for every woman. However, if I talk about my 9 month pregnancy, it was full of ups and downs. But, it was the best time of my life ever. We tried for a...
Remember the day when you finally realized that tightening of your jeans was not merely because of bloating but you were actually carrying a life within you. No one but only you understood the developmental milestones in your belly. It was “you” who really felt what...