[heading tag=”h2″ align=”center” color=”#000″ style=”lines” color2=”#000″]In this Article[/heading]
Fetal Development in Pregnancy week 28
Moods and Symptoms in Pregnancy week 28
Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy week 28
For Your Reference- Pregnancy Week 28
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A Complete Information Guide on Pregnancy Week 28
By Pregnancy week 28, your baby has gained his/her reflux skills like sucking, moving of limbs, and hiccupping.
Congratulations! You have made it to third trimester. You’re six months pregnant. Your seventh month has started. By this week you may have gained 6-9 kg of weight. After coming to the third trimester, you may start experiencing food cravings, mood swings and apparently but not really the labor pains.
Find out in details what you can expect during the 28th week of pregnancy.
Fetal Development in Pregnancy Week 28: 
In Pregnancy week 28:
- Size of baby – 14.80 inches (37.6cm) – from crown to heel.
- Weight of baby – around 2.2 pounds (0.997 kg)
- Baby is as big as an Eggplant.
All the major body systems of baby are functioning properly but yet more development is expected on the coming path of the pregnancy.
- Now your baby can open his eyes and even can respond to a light by giving a blink. From this week onwards, your baby has become more sensitive to the other senses as well.
- The baby’s fat is continuing to grow and the muscle tone is also progressing. But still, some wrinkles can be noticed because of the presence of an amniotic fluid.
- The lungs are more developed and stronger but still, it is in maturing stage. Babies born in this week would probably survive. In such case, the premature baby would require an intensive care that could last for weeks and months.
- The heartbeat rate has come down to 140 beats per minute. According to the studies and research, your voice can calm down your baby’s heartbeat rate. So, start bonding with your little one through talking and singing. Ask your partner to talk to your baby and try to build beautiful moments together.
[icon type=”icon-lamp”] Wish to go for Normal Delivery? Here are some effective tips for Normal Delivery for your reference. Do not worry about the pains associated with normal delivery. Think about your child and feel strong. After this phase, you’ll have your little bundle of joy in your hands. That would be the happiest moment of your life! |
Moods & Symptoms in Pregnancy Week 28:
You can expect the following body changes, moods and symptoms while being 28 weeks pregnant.
- Baby’s Kicks – With the passage of each week, your uterus will grow in size increasing your discomfort too. You will feel your baby’s kicks stronger and recognizable. If you feel any drop in the frequency of baby kicks and movements, contact your doctor immediately as a drop in the numbers of kicks and movement is not a good indication.
- Leaky boobs – Breasts are in the process of making colostrum which is first secretion of mammary glands after giving birth.
- Uterus reposition–As you move ahead in your pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow. During this week, the belly button will reach 3.5 inches above the naval point.
- Sciatic nerve pain – It is a numbness, pain or a tingling in the nerve roots due to the pressure of your growing baby. As your baby is settling down on his correct position for delivery/birth, his head gives pressure on your lower back and on your pelvic bone causing this numbness, pain or a tingling sensation in your buttocks and the backs of your legs. To get comfort from this sciatic nerve pain, do not sit in the same position for a longer time. Take proper rest. Keep in mind ‘Rest is best for health’. Warm bath (but make sure water should not be so hot) can also ease your discomfort. Try stretching but avoid bending to most extent.
- Sleepless Nights – Due to the growing pressure of your uterus, you may not feel comfortable while sleeping. Sleep by your side preferably on the left side as it improves the circulation to your heart and provides better blood flow to your baby. For your more comfort, keep pillows in between your legs.
- Chest Pains and shortness of Breath – It is due to your growing uterus which is compressing your lungs making it difficult to get hold your breath. Be relaxed and start taking deep breaths.
- Braxton Hicks Contractions – When this happens, the muscles of the uterus tighten. These irregular and uncomfortable painless contractions which may getting stronger or more frequent (as your body is preparing for delivery) can be felt for 15 seconds to 1 minute. But if in case, you feel that the duration is getting longer and painful or you are contracting regularly, leaking fluid or bleeding then please contact your doctor as these can be the signs of Pre- term labor.
- Constipation– Pregnancy makes bowel movement less active which gives you uncomfortable feeling. To handle constipation easily, eat fiber-rich diet like oats, root vegetables (carrots, and potatoes), etc. and drink plenty of water.
With the addition to the above symptoms, heartburn, bloating, stretchmarks, and aches are continuing to be the common symptoms of pregnancy.
Note: If your doctor hasn’t advised you yet to take Glucose tolerance test (GTT) for checking Gestational diabetes in your previous weeks of pregnancy (that is in 24th, 25th, 26th or 27th week of pregnancy) then this week your doctor may ask you to complete this test. Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar condition which may happen in pregnant woman. After the birth of your baby, gestational diabetes will automatically vanish. Please don’t panic if you are diagnosed with this. Your doctor will advise you proper medications for this.
Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy Week 28:
As you are coming closer to your delivery date so it is very important to take care of your health and diet which is beneficial for your baby. Here are important tips for Pregnancy week 28 to be taken care:
Do’s | Don’ts |
Keep a check on your baby’s movement. If you feel that the frequency and the numbers of kick have come down, then please talk to your doctor about the same. | Avoid wearing high heels and uncomfortable footwear as because the growing uterus make changes in the centre of gravity. Therefore, any imbalanced step can make you fall and can lead to the further complications. |
You can apply a good moisturizing cream on your itchy area, which can be your tummy, breasts, palm, or even your legs. Consult your doctor for medication if moisturization is not helping you in getting relief from itchiness. | Do not scratch your itching skin as it can lead to a skin infection. |
Practicing yoga or any pre-labour exercises can help you in getting prepared for your labour. Talk to an expert of an exercise or of a yoga. Join yoga classes near you. | Don’t exert so much for work. Don’t take any kind of stress. |
Always ask your husband or any of your family member to accompany you wherever you go and even while you are at home. | Do not stay alone from this week onward. |
If you’re planning to travel outstation by air or train, do make your doctor informed about this plan. As this is a high time to be safe and secured. | Always be very careful about your activities to avoid any complications. Avoid lifting heavy weights. |
Continue with your Folic Acid every day. | Do not exert yourself in doing everyday household chores. Make yourself comfortable first and do your work slowly. |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
- What diet can be followed during the third trimester of pregnancy?
Ans: A proper healthy and nutritionally balanced diet is very important during pregnancy. A healthy diet should be of the following:
- Calcium and Protein – An intake of Calcium and Protein rich diet is important during pregnancy. An adequate amount of calcium is important for the growth and development of your baby’s bones and muscles. Protein helps in keeping your blood sugar level in a normal range which prevents you from gestational diabetes. Protein also helps in forming baby’s hairs, nails, bones and organs. You can get Calcium and Protein from the sources like Cheese, Yogurt, Almonds, Green leafy vegetables, Beans and Lentils and also from some fortified foods.
- Vitamin D–Getting right nutrients and eating well is important while being pregnant. Vitamin D is helpful for the overall development of the baby’s bones and organs and it also helps in developing the immunity system in the baby. Vitamin D can be sourced from milk, eggs and through an exposure to the sunlight. You should consult with your doctor about how much dosage of Vitamin D is needed for you, or else you can ask for the vitamin supplements also if the natural sources are not available to you.
- Iron – The need for Iron rich food increases during the third trimester of the pregnancy as it not only helps the baby but it also helps in increasing the haemoglobin levels of blood. At the time of childbirth there is a blood loss, therefore, an adequate haemoglobin range helps your body to maintain and recover the blood loss.
- Always have fresh fruits and avoid caffeine. The consumption of dried fruits like almonds, cashew, walnut, etc. are also considered to be good during pregnancy.
[icon type=”icon-lamp”] Join our Facebook closed group called “Parenting Mom Style” only for Moms and To-be Moms to share experiences and queries. |
Gear up to embrace the feeling of motherhood with all the love, affection and joy.
For your reference- Pregnancy Week 28:
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