Parents seem really irritated whenever they are judged for the way they choose to bring up their children. Some are asked to be friendly with kids while few of them are advised to remain reserved and strict with them. It becomes difficult for parents to choose a...
Using Diapers for your children is an individual’s choice, I had been using Diapers for my son since he was 2 weeks old. I started by using the Johnson’s baby diaper pads in his cloth nappy only while sleeping at night. Using diapers at night ensured that his sleep...
Today, girls have become toys for boys. Boys think, Girls are their personal property. If you think, I am wrong. For that, you can refer daily news covering gang rape cases, girls kidnapping cases, Girl child abused. Isn’t it? How can you say, “Save Girl...
To soothe a crying baby has always been a difficult task as babies cannot express their problems in words. Therefore it is difficult to understand why the baby may be crying. Diagnosing in babies is more dependent on signs and different gestures they make. This post...
Parents….!! Aren’t we bullying are own kids..?? “Beta ye kar ke dikhao… Beta aise karo, beta ye mat karo, wo mat Karo”…. Sometimes we make are kids do stuff which suits to us without realizing are they okay with it or not. Then when child doesn’t respond back the way...
The most beautiful gift god has given me is the chance to hold my baby in my arms. Nothing is more precious than the smile of my little one. But it is not a simple task to raise baby, like I thought before I had her. Motherhood asks a lot from you. There will be days...
As you turn 17 today and march towards your 18th birthday, I, a proud mom of a beautiful daughter not only feel overwhelmed but also have a lot to say. I still remember the first time I held you in my arms. Honestly speaking, I neither felt complete nor there were any...
बच्चे भगवान की नेमत है किसी ने खूब कहा है | और हर बच्चा माँ -बाप के लिए अनमोल होता है | आजकल की दुनिया में लड़के-लड़की के भेद से परे ज्यादातर लोगों की प्रायोरिटी होती है स्वस्थ बच्चे की कामना| पर आजकल हमने देखा है यही सबसे मुश्किल हो गया है | अब खान -पान का फर्क है या...
Though every mothers heart fills with immense delight when she sees her children happy and doing good in life, how many of us are actually happy souls ? A new mama is sleep deprived and beyond exhausted. The mom of a toddler often worried about her tiny tots fussy...
Here are Best Books for Baby and Toddler to have in their little library! I always write about how reading is important for everyone and more specially for our children. It’s very important to raise a reader since early stages of life because when the children are...