The wedding season is just around the corner; whilst planning your wedding or planning to attend your dearest friend’s wedding do not forget the tiny tots. This little bundle of joys look adorable in tiny lehenga cholis, dresses and tuxedos, but when it comes to...
You might have watched the video in which a little child is crying like anything for not understanding what her mother is teaching to her. Well, I could not even watch the full video, as it’s so disturbing, but the only thing I want to do is to act the same way to the...
In this digital age, we all are webbed in social media covered with technology and various gadgets. My own kids are hooked to the ‘Youtube’. They spent most of their time either watching TV or Youtube. They are too young also to understand that they should not indulge...
Hello parents, hope you all are doing fine. So, today I am going to talk about this little screen you and me holding in our hands while reading and sharing this article, yes you got it right the small idiot box called mobile, smartphone or whatever you may call it,...
Monsoon season weakens the immune system and prone to many infections in Kids. One of the most common infection due to temperature fluctuations is cold and cough in Kids. Cold and Cough does not leave anyone. There is no relief for common cold and cough, but...
Parents!!! Be alert when your children are busy in playing games on phone or any other gadget. Many parents warn their children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Fewer parents, though, know that they should also warn against so-called “games” that...
हम अपने बच्चों की हमेशा बहुत चिंता करते है। उनके खाने-पीने से लेकर उनके कपड़ों तक का हमेशा ध्यान रखते है। समाज में उठने-बैठने के तरीके सिखाते है, पढ़ना, लिखना सब कुछ और यहाँ तक की उन्हें रास्ता किस तरह से पार करना है, ये तक बताते है। पर शायद हम उन्हें ये नहीं बताते की...
While trolling Facebook today, I got to know that people are celebrating the week as Breastfeeding Week. So, I thought of sharing my breastfeeding journey here. It was tough initially, extremely tough to see my baby struggling to get milk, as we all know it is not...
Once you know you are pregnant you start planning everything from your baby’s name to setting up their nursery and then baby shower and what not. But out of all these doubts choosing whether to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is one of the biggest decisions...