Everyday Living

Do teachers get what they deserve?

Do Teachers Get What They Deserve?

We all have one or two favourite teachers who knowingly or unknowingly have left a mark in our life. They have lend a hand in forming our career by giving us the knowledge which we have today. But how many of us actually wanted to be a teacher. We dreamt of becoming a...

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Between Bitch and Bechari

Between Bitch and Bechari

Sorry for using these words in the title i.e. Between Bitch and Bechari but those are the two extremes between which the average woman is standing. She is either the eternally sacrificing, extremely pitiable woman with no self-esteem at all. Or she is a bad example,...

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Tips for fostering personal hygiene during Menstruation

Tips for fostering personal hygiene during Menstruation

We hear about personal hygiene, but how many of us actually believe in practicing it? So here are few Tips for fostering personal hygiene during Menstruation. This topic is of major concern for every individual. There’s a whole range of discussion that can be done on...

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Constantly fatigued...Tips to get your energy back

Constantly fatigued…Tips to get your energy back

Being a woman we always tend to ignore our health, as we progress in our life, responsibilities only increase. While, we are never taught to give first preference to ourselves, slowly our lifestyle takes a toll on our health. A lot of women face a lot of health issues...

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Relationship of a couple after Baby

Relationship of a couple after Baby

The best gift if a individual can get  from God is having his baby. Baby brings enormous happiness in the house.. After a year of marriage or so, a couple don’t have any common topics to discuss and  talk. There are certainly minor quarrels on some idle subjects of...

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Ten Life skills for children

Ten life skills I would like to teach my children

Every mother wishes the best of health wealth and happiness for her baby. And I am no different. However merely wishing something doesn’t warrant its fulfillment. Children enjoy a lifetime of good health (physical and emotional), prosperity and happiness when...

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We bring our kids in this world.  That little bundle needs to be raised, to be taught every single thing.  The child comes like a blank slate.  But ever thought that the first-time parent is also like a blank slate when it comes to parenting?  Both the mother and the...

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Dear Girls learn to stand up for Yourself

Dear Girls learn to stand up for Yourself

A lot of time, people may say, you can’t do this or that but at that moment of time you have to stand firm without judging yourself , be determined about what you have decided, believe in yourself. This world is like a marshy land where people are ready to pull you...

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