Health & Fitness

What is CBD and How does it Work

What is CBD and How does it Work

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabis derived chemical compound called phytocannabinoid that act on the cannabinoid receptors in our brains. Currently, there are 113 identified cannabinoids, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) being a popular one. Unlike THC, CBD is...

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Medical benefits of CBD

5 Medical Conditions CBD can help that you did not know

  CBD is miracle elixir, which is a natural treatment for various medical issues. This article gives us the list of medical benefits of CBD.  Below are the medical conditions CBD can help us treat: 1. Epilepsy CBD Oil can be used to treat epilepsy as CBD has the...

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why you should take up golf this year

Why You Should Take Up Golf This Year

Golf is a sport loved by many, but others have never even stepped foot on a golf course before. This sport is actually great for many different reasons including the fact that you can enjoy the game with your friends, get some exercise and even learn a new skill....

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Child Obesity: A Global Problem

Child Obesity: A Global Problem

Hey Mommies! Are you worried about the growing tummies of your child? Nowadays the increasing rate of overweight children is a worldwide health issue. Obesity is a major problem that is increasing day by day. There are many reasons behind it. A good mom doesn’t...

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Zandu Honey

How to Find Pure Honey and Benefits of Pure Honey

Honey is the only food substance that contains all the necessary ingredients to sustain a healthy life, i.e. vitamin, minerals, water and enzymes. Moreover, it also contains a vital antioxidants. Benefits of honey can be fully realized if it is pure. However currently...

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Who are Chiropractors? How are they helpful?

Chiropractors are healthcare experts focused on the treatment and diagnosis of the neuromuscular disorder, with emphasis on treatment made through manual adjustment or manipulating the spine. Some chiropractors look forward to reducing pain and improving the patient’s...

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Benefits of Yoga for Students

Yoga – A Psychosomatic Therapy For Students

The world celebrated the 3rd International Yoga Day on June 21, 2017. Though Yoga has gained momentum in the last few years, it has been a significantly preferred therapy that originated in ancient India. The benefits of Yoga appear to be confined to the body fitness...

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Reasons Why Baby Cries

21 Reasons Why Baby Cries

To soothe a crying baby has always been a difficult task as babies cannot express their problems in words. Therefore it is difficult to understand why the baby may be crying. Diagnosing in babies is more dependent on signs and different gestures they make. This post...

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