
Don’t ignore these hip pain symptoms in children

Don’t Ignore These Hip Pain Symptoms In Children

Hip pain is common in children and teenagers and has a range of causes. So don’t ignore these hip pain symptoms in children. The clinical challenge in pediatric hip pain differentiates urgent conditions such as infection of the hip-joint from the more common annoyed...

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10 super foods for your child healthy development

10 super foods for your child healthy development

Being a mum makes you more careful about the diet of your child. Is he/she is getting a healthy diet or not? What he/she eat and what kind of food is good for child health? To find the answers of these questions are most important. We have a list of 10 super foods for...

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Best Food For kids Brain Development

Best Food For kids Brain Development

Here is a list of Best Food For kids Brain Development. There are many factors that affect brain development including the type of food they are fed, the amount of stimulation they receive, the quality of their environment, the level of stress they are under, the age...

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Amazing Benefits of Meditation for Pregnancy and Childbirth

Amazing Benefits of Meditation for Pregnancy and Childbirth

There’s hardly anything that  can equate the excitement of feeling a life in an already existing life. It’s a time of wonder and momentous change both emotionally and physically. Even with all the complications like mood swings, hormonal changes, stress, and anxiety,...

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The Best Time of my Life, My Nine Months Pregnancy

The Best Time of my Life, My Nine Months Pregnancy

The Best Time of my Life, My Nine Months Pregnancy…Pregnancy can be both easy or hard. The experience may vary for every woman. However, if I talk about my 9 month pregnancy, it was full of ups and downs. But, it was the best time of my life ever. We tried for a...

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5 effective ways to improve your child's sleep

5 effective ways to improve your child’s sleep

Children are delicate and must be handled with ample love, affection, and care. A small mistake from parent’s side, during a child’s infant-hood, can affect a great deal in the child’s future. Keeping in mind all important things that a parent must take...

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The Journey

The Journey

Remember the day when you finally realized that tightening of your jeans was not merely because of bloating but you were actually carrying a life within you. No one but only you understood the developmental milestones in your belly. It was “you” who really felt what...

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Planning your Toddler meal

Planning your Toddler meal

‪Planning your Toddler meal Picky‬ eater ‪ & ‎fussy‬ child Are you a new parent and your child is fussy when it comes to eating, here some tips for you: 1. ‪‎Plan your toddler meal a day before : A toddler must have three regular meals a day and two healthy snacks...

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