Whether you’re going on holiday and want some ideas to entertain the children, or it’s starting to get warm and the kids are itching to get down to your local seaside resort, it’s always a good idea to have some games in your head before hitting the beach. Playing on...
The family life balancing act is a struggle so many have to learn to cope with. Are the kids receiving all their essential nutrients? Does the family make time to communicate with each other? Is everyone participating in physical activity? There is so much to consider...
The conventional methods of examination are no more workable these days. There are few entrance examinations which are being conducted as the paper based exams, and people know that the method is time consuming and costly. The trend these days is the use of the online...
Handling debt is an art if you can do this tactfully. There are some smart ways to analyze debt and handle thing in a way that your burden gets manageable. And as the single parent, the sooner you learn this, the better you will be able to organize your life. Your...
Valentine’s Day is one of the most awaited occasions filled with romance and love. It is a special day to enjoy love in the air with your loving partner. Both men and women have the right time to show their deep affection on Valentine’s Day. They can even openly make...
आजकल जहाँ देखिए वहाँ सिर्फ तनावपूर्ण माहौल है लेकिन अगर दिन की शुरूआत किसी अच्छे विचार या फिर किसी Motivational Quotes से हो तो दिन का अच्छा गुजरना लाजमी हो जाता है | अब हम भारतीय हैं तो हमारी हिंदी भाषा हमें जमीन से ज्यादा जोड़ती है और इसपर हिंदी में कोई Good Morning...
Dr. Preeti Jindal and her journey to bless ladies with Motherhood. When a lady chooses her path to family, many questions bubbled up in her heart, being a doctor you answered those questions, how was your feeling for them? I have seen many Moms to be, their Mom in...
Breast pump is a mechanical device which is used for extracting milk from a lactating mother. These pumps have become very common as this device helps a lactating mother to a great extent. When do you need a Breast Pump? Breast pumps can be used for several reasons....
Honey is the only food substance that contains all the necessary ingredients to sustain a healthy life, i.e. vitamin, minerals, water and enzymes. Moreover, it also contains a vital antioxidants. Benefits of honey can be fully realized if it is pure. However currently...
Moving to a new house is exciting and daunting at the same time. There are a lot of things to do before you can comfortably settle in and enjoy the new property, but moving also gives you the opportunity to declutter and reorganize. Good planning and a willingness to...