What is Tooth Extraction? Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from the dental alveolus (socket) in the alveolar bone. When is Tooth Extraction needed? SEVERE TOOTH DECAY: Severe tooth decay such that the tooth cannot be salvaged by root canal treatment or any...
Taking care of your hair may seem easy. However, it becomes a disaster when your hair starts to thin and get easily damaged. Hair thinning is one of the common hair problems that affects both men and women. The good thing about hair thinning is that you can still...
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabis derived chemical compound called phytocannabinoid that act on the cannabinoid receptors in our brains. Currently, there are 113 identified cannabinoids, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) being a popular one. Unlike THC, CBD is...
CBD is miracle elixir, which is a natural treatment for various medical issues. This article gives us the list of medical benefits of CBD. Below are the medical conditions CBD can help us treat: 1. Epilepsy CBD Oil can be used to treat epilepsy as CBD has the...
Someone I know recently had a baby, and now that the baby’s a few months old, she’s starting to grow tiny baby teeth. It got me thinking of my little one’s baby teeth and the struggle that every mom probably goes through – brushing kids’ teeth. It can be quite...
Golf is a sport loved by many, but others have never even stepped foot on a golf course before. This sport is actually great for many different reasons including the fact that you can enjoy the game with your friends, get some exercise and even learn a new skill....
Hey Mommies! Are you worried about the growing tummies of your child? Nowadays the increasing rate of overweight children is a worldwide health issue. Obesity is a major problem that is increasing day by day. There are many reasons behind it. A good mom doesn’t...
Breast pump is a mechanical device which is used for extracting milk from a lactating mother. These pumps have become very common as this device helps a lactating mother to a great extent. When do you need a Breast Pump? Breast pumps can be used for several reasons....
Honey is the only food substance that contains all the necessary ingredients to sustain a healthy life, i.e. vitamin, minerals, water and enzymes. Moreover, it also contains a vital antioxidants. Benefits of honey can be fully realized if it is pure. However currently...