In this article I will be sharing things I Learned from my Postpartum Depression. All through my pregnancy I spent a good amount of time reading about pregnancy, childbirth and infant care. I thought I was prepared. I was aware of how difficult breastfeeding can be. I was aware of postpartum depression and how to deal with it (in case I suffered from one). I was really looking forward to seeing my child and I had a feeling that I will not suffer from postpartum depression.
But my hormones had a different plan. I delivered a beautiful baby and as soon as I was wheeled to my hospital cabin I felt like crying. Since I was already armored with some knowledge about PPD I tried to calm myself down and look at the sunny side of things. I consoled myself that it could be baby blues will will subside in a couple of days. I simply cannot have PPD. But the gloom followed me till home and beyond.
I suffered from PPD for six months.
Things I Learned From my Postpartum Depression that no article or person can mention.
- Postpartum depression can hit you as soon as you deliver and can continue for as long as six months more more. It depends on how actively and effectively you manage it.
- There are certain things that trigger the outbursts. In my case such triggers were when my child was crying inconsolably, excessive sleep deprivation, distance from spouse.
- Often new moms feel neglected, a feeling that could be just in her head or that could actually be the case. In either case family members need to be especially caring and emphatic towards the new mom.
- As your baby settles into a sleep and wake up routine you will a positive change in yourself. In short lesser the pressure quicker the recovery.
- Holding your baby close to you has a positive effect. It makes mother and child bond well which in turn makes you feel good.
- There is no such thing as too much attention can spoil your baby. In fact you should hold your baby as much as you both want. You should pick her up when ever she cries. This builds confidence in your child. She starts trusting you. She starts looking up to you. And no medication can equal the effect it has on your mood.
- Few changes in lifestyle can have positive effect in PPD. A change of place, talking to people who you trust, indulging in relaxing activities like a spa session, Mani Pedi session, listening to relaxing music are few examples.
- Looking at your smiling baby has a therapeutic effect. I started healing the moment I saw my baby smile for the first time.
- Play with your baby as much as you can. Massage her yourself. Tickle her gently, laugh with her. Make her your new BFF.
- For some it may last a few days, for others few months. And there are some others who take even more. But trust me, you will get over it. And when you do, you will find yourself stronger than ever.
Wishing a heady recovery for the new mommy.
Happy Parenting with BuddingStar
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