Life of a couple after kids

Life of a couple after kids

We see a lot of jokes in social media about life before and after marriage and also about life after kids. What is the big deal? Does Life of a couple after kids really changes? Only a parent would know the answer. As a mom of 2 kids, I found that our married life...

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Smart Recipe for Smart Baby

Smart Recipe for Smart Baby

Smart Recipe for Smart Baby: Pregnancy is an exciting time in every woman’s life. A time to rejoice to welcome a new life in the world. Pregnancy effects every part of body from hair to toenail like in early pregnancy breasts feel tender and enlarged. Blood...

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BPA-How does it affect our health?

BPA-How does it affect our health?

BPA-How does it affect our health? Much has been said and written about BPA and its potential health hazards.  I was not concerned about it until the arrival of my little munchkin a couple of months ago. Guess that’s what motherhood is all about. Ever since my...

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Child Sex Abuse

Child Sex Abuse

Child Sex Abuse, was a term that was unheard of during our school days. With whatever limited Sex Education we received in our school i.e. at the age of 15, we were informed about molestation that only girls face. My first exposure to the existence of Child Sex Abuse...

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Tips for Traveling by Train During Pregnancy

11 Tips for Traveling by Train During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, each step brings extra cautions with it. Moreover, when it is about long-distance traveling, you should take a green signal from Doctor and also take necessary precautions. After all, this is the apical grace of God and the best part of a woman’s...

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Happy 6 Months-My Journey of Learning

Happy 6 Months-My Journey of Learning

Happy 6 Months-My Journey of Learning: 6 January 2017, remembrance of the day gives me goosebumps , there were tears in my eyes while I was lying on the OT table and the doctor announced congratulations Mittali it’s a baby girl. I know every mother will relate...

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Judo Classes for kids in Mohali

Judo Classes for Kids in Mohali

If you are looking for a new activity for your kid why not think about the judo classes. Judo training is one of the best activity options for kids much more than team sports like basket ball, base ball etc. if you are looking for the judo classes for kids in Mohali....

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child leaving home

When The Child Is Leaving Home

It is that time of the year when most young adults are leaving home for college, for internships or new jobs in another city. So what do I advise my young child leaving home who is grown up and ready to take on the world. First and foremost I will tell her to take...

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When your child acts out in public

When Your Child Acts Out In Public

What do you do or how do you feel exactly when your child acts out in public? My daughter seems to act up more if I am around other people or certain times in public. I just had an incident on the bus where she was refusing to stay in her seat and then started...

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