What if I told you, you can experience pregnancy before actually getting pregnant? Yes, that is very much possible with Pregnancy Mods for Sims 4. It is a brilliantly designed game that provides detailed insight into every phase of pregnancy. The role of the essential pregnancy mod is to make the game more fun and super interesting. The entire pregnancy is more detailed and keeps you on the toe. Sims 4 is available for a while now, and with every passing year, more features are added, which is why it is considered one of the best pregnancy mods.
Explore different pregnancy symptoms through your sim and learn more as you delve deep into this game. Experience what it feels like to be pregnant with this sim with various mods for you to add to your sim. This is the closest thing you can get to being pregnant without actually being pregnant. Get prepared for this new stage of your life with the sims 4 pregnancy mods.
Let’s have a look at the brilliant Sims 4 Pregnancy Mods.
Oh, the joys of giving birth to a beloved Sim. Some Sims make you wish the kid was already born, while others make you feel like it’s simply too short. It’s always exciting to improve every game area, regardless of which type of Sim you have. We’ve compiled a list of mods that enhance pregnancy in the game in some way or another, enhance pregnancy in the game. We had intended to add additional pregnant mods to this list, but most of the ones we found weren’t good enough to cut. So, for you fellow Sims fans, we’ve filtered the finest pregnancy mods and placed them below!
Pregnancy is one of the most emotional aspects of The Sims 4. Thankfully, there are a lot of mods that can make this experience a happier and more positive one. My pick for the best Sims 4 Mods for pregnancy includes those that fill in any voids the base game may have, as well as give you some advanced details on what your Sim is going through at each stage of her pregnancy.
1. Pregnancy Mega Mod
The first one is the Pregnancy Mega Mod, and it is the biggest and better this time. As per this mod, the same-sex couple can have a baby and tweak the chances of pregnancy. Additionally, you can all include any event during the pregnancy phase.
The best part is, this Sim’s 4 pregnancy belly size mod has a unique feature that allows you to have quintuplets, sextuplets, and triplets, and even you can select the gender of each baby.
2. MC Pregnancy Mod
In most of the Sim’s 4 pregnancy mods, you can find a similarity to the Command Center mod. This mod allows you to have full control over each and every aspect of Sim during the game.
In addition to it, you can also control the Sim’s pregnancy and you also have an option to terminate it. Moreover, you can also make notable changes in the term and number of babies by Sim. This Sim’s 4-baby mod offers more control over the Sim’s pregnancy.
3. Pregnancy Overhaul Mod
This is one of my favourites. You can change the Sim’s belly size under this pregnancy mod Sims 4 pregnancy belly size, you can change the Sim belly size. That means, based on your preference, you can make it smaller or bigger. You can also tweak the pregnancy walk style and command the Sim to do things during their 1st and 2nd trimester, including dancing, exercising, yoga, and even swimming.
4. Labor Puddles
I would call this a slice-of-life mod because going into labour is pretty much uncomfortable for Sims 4. There are cases when the water breaks, contractions, etc. Labour Puddles are also included for pets who are pregnant.
5. Longer or Shorter Pregnancy Time Mod
This one is unique and a slice-of-life mod Sims 4. Based on the play style, you can change the pregnancy time i.e.; it can be too long or even shorter that lasts just 3 days. The Sims for pregnancy mod can be longer, and that too for 147 days. Isn’t that wow!!!
6. Stretch Marks Mod
Saying Say hello to the real world with this Sim’s 4 slices of life mod stretch mark is one terrific thing which each woman undergoes during pregnancy. There are few women who do feel self-conscious but it is a normal phenomenon. A wide number of stretch mark skin details can be accessed, you can set it lighter or darker on the skin. This feature brings realism to the pregnancy.
7. Pregnant Aging And Death
Do you know that Sim’s pregnancy makes her immortal and they do not even age during their pregnancy? If you want to go with reality and want progress in the story, there is a mod available for this. Pregnant Aging and death is a slice of life Sim’s 4 adds a dash of reality by including ageing and mortality.
8. Instant Morning Sickness Mod
Morning sickness is an integral part of pregnancy. In this Sims’ 4 pregnancy mod, many pregnant women have to face this biggest challenge, at least during the first trimester. Due to the change in the hormonal level, development of features, and other factors, morning sickness is common. The Sim’s pregnancy mod has included this as well.
9. Pregnancy Mood Buffs Mod
Mood swings during pregnancy are real. Sim gets super happy when the pregnancy is positive. There are some people who might feel different when the pregnancy is confirmed.
This Sim’s 4 pregnancy belly mod allows the pregnant Sims 4 to feel various emotions apart from just happiness. Sim can feel stressed, angry, sad, bored, etc. You can include only 1 type, make sure you choose wisely.
10. Babies For Everyone
In real life, only women can get pregnant but, in this game, there is no restrictions amount of restrictions. Say hello to ultimate quality, Sim’s 4 pregnancy mods Sims 4 can impregnate anyone. It could be human, non-human, male, female and even animal. This is one of the best Sim’s 4 pregnancy cheats.
11. Baby Shower Mod
Pregnancy without a baby shower is incomplete, this is part of Sim’s 4 slice-of-life mod. The baby shower is a mandatory celebration for expecting parents, family, and friends. The baby shower includes Sims narrating her pregnancy journey, viewing greeting cards, feel the baby’s moment.
12. Risky Woohoo
The Sim can be impregnated in 2 ways one is via alien abduction and another via Woohoo which show cases the best relationship of Sim with their respective partner. You get an option to replace the Woohoo and Sims can randomly can get randomly get pregnant. There can also be changes in fertility levels and difficulty in the pregnancy.
13. Ultrasound Mod
One of the best parts about pregnancy is stealing is to stealing every opportunity to see your baby before birth and the big gender disclosure. This Sim’s 4 pregnancy cheat provides a touch of reality and elevates the entire excitement. In this Ultrasound, Mod Sim undergoes ultrasound and it can be let next to the bed or sent as a gift to close friends. Sim is excited to have the first image of an unborn of unborn baby, it always remains always special. The ultrasound can be hung on the wall and can be preserved as a memory too.
14. Impregnate with simray
Let’s dive into something lighthearted, shall we? This mod allows you to use the simray by altering its transform function to impregnate. You can shoot a baby inside the woman without her woohoo or anything like that. Explore each and every phase of pregnancy through Sim’s 4 pregnancy mod. It is a super fun game and can be an excellent time pass while you are waiting for the baby to come.
Certain Sims make you wish the kid was already born, while others make you feel like it’s simply too short. It’s always enjoyable to improve every part of the game, regardless of the sort of Sim you have. We’ve sorted through the greatest pregnancy modifications and listed them here for you, fellow Sims fans! Please be advised that some of these modifications are not for the faint of heart. Each has a function, and you’ll find them beneficial in one of two ways: by adding a layer of complexity to the game, or by simply assisting your Sim in getting through her pregnancy in a more pleasant manner. There are other modifications that allow male Sims to become pregnant. There are just too many to choose from to determine which is the finest.
Teen pregnancy mod
The Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod is exactly what it says on the tin. It permits teens to engage in sexual activity while playing the game. I know what you’re thinking, and no, it’s not illegal because teenagers may technically be 18+. They’re also not actual individuals; they’re computerised.
And it still feels a little off, but well, to each his or her own. Maybe you’re an adolescent who understands what you’re doing. Perhaps you’d want to make a Sims version of Teen Mom. Who knows what will happen! This is still one of the community’s most popular modifications.
Wicked whims
I’m aware that Wicked Whims has always been linked to sex above everything else. But believe us when we say that this the Sims 4 pregnancy mod, has developed into the finest addition to a Sims game in a long time.
Because of the latest connection modifications, developing relationships has become a much more important aspect of the game. With the inclusion of monthly cycles, pregnancies become a whole other challenge. A wonderful update that also serves a useful purpose for Sims fans beyond the age of 18.
15. Discover Pregnancy
Knowing when your baby is about to come makes it a little boring and very certain which is why the Discover Pregnancy mod by SimMixD can make your game run far more excitable and make your game less boring. This Sim 4 realistic pregnancy mod makes sure that you will no longer get cues that hint towards a possible pregnancy which to me is a pretty great surprise to get! It also makes your game experience more real than reel.
16. Pregnancy is fine
The pregnancy moodlet in this game tends to give very over-the-moon vibes that are not something very real if we were to look at it in case of another child. This new mod introduced by Iced Cream allows your sim to feel just fine about being pregnant and not overly feel their emotion.
17. The Cycle
Realistically speaking, there is more of a biological basis to having a baby by tracking down your monthly cycle and fertility period. This mod by NeonOcean enables your sim to do the same to mark their cycle to maximize whether they want to or do not want to have a baby and keep track of the same. Just like real-life fertility periods, they will have times when conceiving a baby will be higher. The mod has also added the whole period’s chronicle from dealing with the symptoms to the whole pads and tampons aspect.
18. Quadruplets and Quintuplets
Want to spice up your game experience by adding more than just one or two kids to your game? Then this mod is perfect for you! It adds more challenges for your sim to manage a house filled with quadruplets and quintuplets. I say there is nothing more that gives an adrenaline rush than a challenging game experience which is why this mod is something you should definitely try out.
19. Baby Maker Trait
If you love babies and want your sim to love them too then there is more to them than just giving them a family-oriented trait. Your sim’s whole game may centre around wanting to be in the baby fever mode and embrace parenthood. This mod made by Kialuana makes your sim have the trait to be always in the mood to want to have a baby.
20. Woo-Hoo Wellness
Wanna try and get a surrogate for your sim? Woo-hoo wellness does just that! This Sims 4 surrogate mod allows you to get a surrogate for your sim and adds extra depth to make it more realistic. Your sim can either offer to be the surrogate or have another carry their child for them through artificial inseminations.
21. Bad Parent Trait
Not everyone aspires to be a mother or father. In fact, some people are relieved that they will not have to raise their own children. This is a quality that makes your Sim happy when they don’t have children, and it’s a nice addition to the game as a fresh take on pregnancy and what happens when it doesn’t work out. Perhaps one of your Sims is relieved that the baby was not born, while the other is heartbroken. What are their plans for dealing with the situation? This is just one of the many entertaining characteristics you may add to your better pregnancy mod Sims 4 games.
22. Pregnancy Time
The nine-month pregnancy period in the pregnancy mod is not exactly nine months and trying to replicate this time period is a big ask. It only takes a few days before your Sim gives birth. Hence, if you want to change this timeline and increase it, you can download a mod and tweak the time period to 147 days.
23. Advanced Birth Certificate
You can join your pregnant Sim when they finally give birth which provides a new birth certificate in their inventory. This birth certificate can also be gotten through the rabbit hole interaction. It can also be renamed, and made slightly different based on the life state the newborn Sim represents. This can be hung on the wall as decoration.
24. Wicked Whims
The Sims 4 pregnancy mod has some great features that introduce birth control, fertility treatments, and even pregnancy termination services. Sims can also measure the fertility level and give you a high chance if you want to conceive. There are also a variety of relationship features that are designed for age-appropriate people.
25. Wonderful Whims
The sims 4 is slightly more wholesome with family-friendly gameplay mod and new pregnancy-related features like menstrual cycle, miscarriage, and even the donation of unborn babies for scientific research.
1. What is a mod in pregnancy?
MODS pregnancy stands for Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome which can affect the obstetric outcomes of critically ill maternity patients negatively. This condition is pathophysiologic and oftentimes, it may be indistinguishable from the one that occurs in a normal pregnancy.
2. What is The Sims 4 pregnancy mod?
The Sims 4 pregnancy mod is a realistic pregnancy symptoms mod where you get to give your Sim the “Pregnancy Symptoms” trait. Your Sim would undergo random symptoms at different hours to the point that it will weaken your Sim.
3. How does pregnancy work in Sims 4?
To initiate the Sims 4 pregnancy, you need to opt for the ‘Try for Baby’ option because the regular way wouldn’t necessarily result in pregnancy. Hence, if you want to start a family, use the ‘Try for Baby’ option.
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